Position : Online Help - Sector Editor

Sector Editor

Shortcut buttons of common functions are provided in sector editor:

Sector Editor

Here explains how to use these buttons in detail.

1. Sector location

a. Sector Editor Find hex values

Enter related searching criteria to find hex values, as below:

Sector Editor

Support searching with multi criteria
Build in commonly used searching contents
Support wildcard
Support searching in all directions: all, up and down
Support setting searching offset
Support selecting conditions: "meet one" or "meet all"

b. Sector Editor Find text

It can search for required text files quickly as follows:

Sector Editor

Support searching with multi criteria
Support searching through matching case
Support wildcard
Support searching in all directions: all, up and down
Support setting searching offset

c. Sector Editor Go to offset

Values in the drop-down box can be saved after the jump, so that they can be selected next time when the drop-down box is opened again.

Sector Editor

d. Sector Editor Go to sector

Go to the appointed sector rapidly, as below.

Sector Editor

1). Logic (LBA): you need to enter sector or cluster number (which is enabled only when the open method is partition).

2). Physical (CHS): these parameters "cylinder/track", "head/surface", and "sector" are needed.

e. Sector Editor Go to appointed sector rapidly

Go to last or next sector and go to fist and final sector.

f. Sector Editor Go to cursor quickly

Go to the first or last cursor quickly.

2. Edit sectors

Data on the sector where cursor stays can be viewed or edited

Sector Editor

As shown in the picture above, the offset, hex values and further interpretation of the current cursor can be seen on the interpreter of the right interface. And you can edit the data where the cursor stays either in the text edit area or hex edit area.

a. Copy and paste

Locate the cursor to set the beginning sector and drag the mouse button to the end of a certain data area, and the selected area turns light blue.

Sector Editor

Click the button Sector Editor "Copy" to copy data of the selected area to clipboard, and then locate cursor to the beginning of target area and click the button Sector Editor "Paste". The copied data turned red as follows:

Sector Editor

b. Save and undo

Those operations to sectors don't actually modify data on the hard drive before you click the button Sector Editor "Save", and operations can be canceled after clicking the button Sector Editor "Undo".

Warnings: Data will be modified forever after clicking "Save" button, and it can't turn to previous state, so be careful!

3. Others

a. Sector Editor Interpreter as partition start

This function interprets the current sector where cursor stays as partition start. If the sector's data conforms to the data feature of partition beginning, system will identify partition size automatically; otherwise, system will ask you to input partition size.

The interpreted partition will be listed on the left interface with lighter color than normal partitions.

Sector Editor

b. Sector Editor Endian conversion

The endian conversion affects data interpreter which is interpreted as little endian by default.

1). Little-Endian means that the low-order byte of the number is stored in memory at the lowest address, and the high-order byte at the highest address.

2). Big-Endian means that the high-order byte of the number is stored in memory at the lowest address, and the low-order byte at the highest address.

c. Sector Editor Calculator

Use calculator to calculate sector quickly.

Sector Editor

d. Sector Editor Directory browser

This area shows files and folders of the partition.

Sector Editor

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