Position : Online Help - Register DiskGenius

Register DiskGenius

This article includes step-by-step methods to register DiskGenius. You can register the software either online or offline easily after getting the license code.

1. Activate DiskGenius Online

2. Activate DiskGenius Offline

3. Activate DiskGenius via Web Browser

If you do not have a license code, you can buy one from here: Buy DiskGenius

1. Activate DiskGenius Online

Step 1  Click "Help" and select "Register" option as follows:

Register DiskGenius

Step 2  Enter your License Code, License Name and License Email, and click "Online Register" button.

Register DiskGenius

It is recommended to Copy & Paste license code instead of entering all characters manually, as license code is space and case sensitive.

2. Activate DiskGenius Offline

If Internet connection is not available on the computer where DiskGenius is installed, you can still register it via offline activation.

Step 1  Enter your license information and click "Offline Register" button.

Register DiskGenius

Step 2  Click "OK" button on the popped-up message box which prompts DiskGenius will generate three files.

Register DiskGenius

Choose a location to save these files. Tip: You can save offline registration files to a removanle disk such as USB flash drive.

Register DiskGenius

Offline registration files are saved to the specified location.

Register DiskGenius

Step 3  Copy all three of them to another computer which has access to the Internet. Then double-click the "OfflineReg" file and click "Register Now" button.

Register DiskGenius

Step 4  Copy the new Options.ini file to back to the computer that cannot connect the the Internet, and click "Load Registration File" button.

Register DiskGenius

Select the Options.ini file and click "Open" button. Then the software will be registered successfully.

Register DiskGenius

If you've closed DiskGenius, you can simply copy the "Options.ini" file to the folder where DiskGenius is installed and replace the existing one.

3. Activate DiskGenius via Web Browser

This registration method is designed to register DiskGenius via a web browser when you are unable to register it online but the computer does have an Internet connection.

Step 1  Click "Help" and select "Register" option as follows:

Register DiskGenius

Step 2  Enter your License Code, License Name and License Email, and click "Register Via Browser" button.

Register DiskGenius

Step 3  Click "OK" button, and the webpage will open automatically. Note: do not close the registration dialog box of DiskGenius.

Register DiskGenius

Step 4  On the webpage, you can see following information. Click "Copy" button to copy license information.

Register DiskGenius

Step 5  Go back to DiskGenius, paste the license information to the registration box and click "OK". Then the software will be registered successfully.

Register DiskGenius
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